Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Long and the SHORT (!!) of it . . .

Keep most of your sentences short.

The one above is a pretty good example of what I'm advising. So is the second one here. The third one's a good example, too.

See what I mean?

Shorter sentences are easier to read. They're easier to understand. And they avoid getting tangled in a web of elongated verbiage snarled in semi-colons and other junk. Quit it! Keep 'em short.

Having said that, variety is always a good idea, too. Mix it up a little. Use mostly short, simple sentences -- but sprinkle in some longer ones, too. Why? They provide variety and break up the potential monotony of too many staccato-like sentences.

Use your judgment. But on balance, shorter sentences are easier to read and easier to understand. Your readers will appreciate it. You will, too. Trust me.

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